Google Tasks Client

Google Tasks on Mac and Windows.

Google Tasks Client is the best application for using Google Tasks on your desktop. It supports full screen, alert notifications, overall search, dark mode, global shortcuts, and supports many languages.

Google Tasks Client screenshot Google Tasks Client screenshot
Google Tasks Client screenshot

What is Google Tasks Client??

The browser version of Google Tasks is a great application. Just because it's only available as a sidebar to Gmail and Google Calendar doesn't necessarily mean it's easy to use. Google Tasks Client is a desktop application that pursues the idea that Google Tasks should be more like this.

  • You are looking for a desktop application for Google Tasks.
  • You want to use the same Google Tasks on mobile and desktop.
  • You want to manage your tasks quickly and simply on a single screen.
What is Google Tasks Client?


Simple synchronisation with Google Tasks

Simple synchronisation with Google Tasks

Google Tasks Client is an application for those who want to use Google Tasks on their desktop. Any edits you make in Google Tasks Client will be immediately reflected in your official Google Tasks. You can safely focus on the tasks you need to do now at any time, whether on your mobile or on your desktop.

Go full screen

While the browser version of Google Tasks is only available in a small area of the sidebar, Google Tasks Client is available in full screen mode, making it more convenient and faster to use.

Go full screen
You can search the whole task

You can search the whole task

You can search through all your tasks by entering keywords. Even if you don't know where a task has gone, you can quickly find it. You can edit or delete the tasks you have searched for.

You can filter out tasks that are due 'today' or 'tomorrow'.

You can filter all tasks to show only those tasks that are due 'today' or 'tomorrow'. So you can clearly see which tasks you need to do today. You can also see a list of "All" tasks in Google Tasks.

You can search the whole task
You can sort your task list and tasks in any order

You can sort your task list and tasks in any order

You can sort your task lists and tasks by drag & drop, due date, alphabetical order, etc. You can sort tasks by priority from the top of the list, by due date, or any other way you like.

We don't send your data to non-Google servers

We believe that keeping you safe is the most important part of Google Tasks Client. Login authentication is limited to Google OAuth 2.0 authentication only. This means that you only enter your password within the Google site, and not even our developers can know your password. This makes it as difficult as possible for your login details to be leaked to the outside world. We do not send any private data, such as tasks, to any servers outside of Google. The communication is directly between your computer and Google's servers, giving you greater peace of mind.

We don't send your data to non-Google servers
Dark mode support

Dark mode support

You can switch smoothly between the two themes: light mode and dark mode. You can also use the system to automatically switch between light mode in the morning and dark mode at night.

Add tasks with global shortcuts

If you press Command(Control) + Shift + A, a pop-up will appear to add a task. lur1}If you add a task there, it will be immediately reflected in Google Tasks. If you are working on something else and think of a task, you can add it right away.

Add tasks with global shortcuts


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Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I contact you?

If you have feedback or have found a bug, please contact us at the email address below.

What is Google Tasks Client?

It's a desktop application for using Google Tasks on macOS and Windows. The browser version of Google Tasks is only available as a sidebar to Google Calendar or Gmail, but is not compatible with FullScreen and can be difficult to use. This application has been released with the ultimate goal of making Google Tasks more convenient and faster for users.

Is it safe to use?

We believe that keeping your security safe is one of the most important aspects of this application. First of all, Google Tasks Client requires OAuth authentication when you sign in with your Google account. This means that you can only enter your login password within the Google site, and not even the developers can know your password. This prevents your login details from being leaked to the outside world. The data you enter will not be transmitted to any other Google server. The data is only stored on your local computer and on Google's servers.

When was it released?

The first version was released in December 2019. If you have any problems with the app, we would appreciate it if you could contact us. We will try to fix any problems as soon as possible to make it easier to use.

What does this app do?

Google Tasks Client is based on the concept of reproducing what Google Tasks can do on desktop applications as much as possible. We've also added features to make Google Tasks even easier to use.

Will it be updated all the time?

We hope to update it regularly. The application is still in its infancy and there are several useful features that we plan to develop. When new versions of are released, we will post them on this site and on Twitter.

What kind of tech stack is it built on?

The whole thing is built on Electron. The application is therefore written in JavaScript and is based on Chrominium. This means that you can open the developer tools to view the source and check the status of the communication from the network tab. This allows you to verify that your application is communicating securely. The main technology stack is Electron + React + redux + Material-UI + TypeScript.

Update History

  • 2024.11.21

    Add feature announcements

  • 2024.11.03

    Add German language

  • 2024.08.31

    Add keyboard shortcut: space key to toggle task complete/incomplete

Why did you create Google Tasks Client?

Hi, I'm the developer of Google Tasks Client. Thank you for your interest in this app. I'd like to digress a bit and tell you a little bit about the background behind the creation of this app.

The developer is also a Google Tasks user

The developer is also a Google Tasks user

I myself am a user of Google Tasks. I use it a lot to keep track of things that come to my mind as a memo, and more often than not, for my shopping list. You know how easy it is to forget what you need to buy? It's easy for me to forget. So I write them down in Google Tasks before I forget them, and later, as expected, those notes have saved me many times.

How we came to make it

We also worked together on another app, where we created a shared Google account so that we could see each other's tasks in Google Tasks. We used to use the browser version of Google Tasks, but it was too small and difficult to use. I think most of you who have come here have found this to be the case. That's why I thought it would be useful to have a desktop app for Google Tasks and I wanted to create one. This is a good starting point.

What would it look like?

What would it look like?

The first thing I thought of when creating it was to add tasks via global shortcuts. Honesty, I thought this feature alone would be useful enough. The moment I use my to-do list is when I'm working on something else. I want to be able to quickly jot something down on my To-Do list and get back to the task at hand. I really didn't want to be on Google Tasks all the time. That's why I decided to create a desktop app with access to macOS and Windows OS features instead of a browser version. Because I know a little bit of JavaScript, I started developing using Electron. Electron is a framework for creating desktop applications for macOS, Windows and Linux. I had never released anything to the store with it, so I thought it would be a good experience.

As I was building it

I was able to add tasks with global shortcuts early on. However, the functionality was too limited to be released as an app. I was not sure. I also felt a bit underwhelmed by the fact that we were using Electron for development. So I decided to make the Google Tasks themselves visible and editable in the app. I used Microsoft To Do and Wunderlist as references. When I first used Wunderlist, I was shocked. It was pretty straightforward. Unfortunately, the app is no longer available, but we were conscious of creating a similarly easy to understand UI.

What was important to us

What was important to us

What was important to us during the creation of the app was to make it safe. A ToDo list is literally a list of things to do, but different users use it in different ways, sometimes with passwords or personal information that should never be seen by anyone else. In order to achieve this, we kept the communication between your computer and Google's servers simple. We also limited login to Google OAuth authentication, so you don't have to enter your password in the app and it's not stored anywhere.

Features not available in the browser version of Google Tasks

Basically, I have reproduced the features available in Google To-Do List and added some features that I personally found useful. For example, a function that displays only the tasks for "Today" or "Tomorrow." When there are many tasks, it can be difficult to quickly see what needs to be done right now, as Google To-Do List scatters tasks across different lists. To solve this, I added a feature that filters and displays only today's or tomorrow's tasks from all tasks. Thanks to this feature, I can check tasks without missing anything, and it has become an extremely useful function for me.


What was important to us

The app is nearing completion and we've decided to release it. The process of releasing the app to the Mac App Store and Microsoft Store was more difficult than the development of this app... But we managed to get the app released with the help of the world's wisdom. We are happy to say that the app has been installed one by one from all over the world. However, the app is still in its infancy and we believe it needs further improvement. We don't plan to stop updating the app for now.


There are still a lot of useful features that we would like to add. There are still a lot of things we need to improve. We want to make sure that everyone who uses our app is happy with it. That's our promise to you from Google Tasks Client.